Sustainable development

Committed to having an impact on society and aligned with Sustainable Development Goals

NIMSB activities were designed to significantly and measurably align with all Expected Impacts (EIs) and outcomes (EOs) outlined for the Teaming for Excellence call, as well as the desired impacts for Portugal over the medium and longer term.

NIMSB aims to address European-level societal challenges, such as enhancing cross-border and cross-regional collaboration, addressing the lack of critical mass in complementary disciplines, and streamlining coordination among academic and industrial funding initiatives.

NIMSB activities will aim to mitigate disparities in Research and Innovation (R&I) performance between Portugal and other EU countries. NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA) is partnering with Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), an internationally leading EU institution uniquely well-qualified, to support NIMSB’s creation, ensure its long-term sustainability, and accelerate NOVA’s modernization efforts.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

NIMSB is fully aligned with all the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The drive for early disease detection, as well as the discovery and validation of novel therapeutic strategies, is directly related to good health and well-being (SDG3).

There is also a very strong link to Quality Education (SDG4), as the project will implement a range of inclusive educational programs in emergent technologies, and a link to Industry Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG9). By doing that, we expect to contribute to the development of innovative products and services for health.

Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8) and Gender Equality (SDG5) are also core principles that will permeate all our activities.