December 10
We had the honor to host
Dr. Marcelo Mendonça, from NMS/Champalimaud Foundation, who was talking about
‘From dopamine neurons diversity to symptomatic heterogeneity: A cross-species perspective on Parkinson’s Disease’.
Short Bio
Marcelo Mendonça MD, PhD graduated in Medicine from the University of Porto, trained in Epidemiology and Clinical Research at Harvard Medical School and in Neurology with a focus on Movement Disorders and Brain Stimulation at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental and Hospital Clinic, Barcelona. He obtained his PhD under the supervision of Dr Rui Costa (Champalimaud Foundation / Columbia University). During his PhD, Marcelo described the functional heterogeneity of dopaminergic neurons and clarified their role in invigorating skilled movements. Currently, Marcelo works as a Physician-Scientist at the Champalimaud Foundation where he leads the movement disorders clinic. He is also an Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at NOVA Medical School. Marcelo has been using high-resolution motor assessments, brain imaging, and stimulation tools to understand circuit dysfunction and pathophysiological circuits mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement disorders. He has been informing this work by using state-of-the-art system neuroscience approaches in animal models of disease.