NIMSBinars Prof. Ricardo Henriques slide

November 19

We had the honor to host

Prof. Prof. Ricardo Henriques, from ITQB NOVA, who was talking about

‘Pioneering Open-Source AI Technologies for Biological Discovery
through Microscopy’.

Short Bio

Prof. Ricardo Henriques is a Principal Investigator at Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier and an Honorary Professor at UCL. Prof. Henriques recently moved his lab from Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência in 2024 and from University College London and Francis Crick Institute in the UK in 2020. His group uses optical and computational biophysics to study cell biology and host-pathogen interactions. He graduated with a degree in physics, specialising in biophotonics and robotics. He finished his PhD in 2011, where he developed super-resolution microscopy technologies at the Musa Mhlanga lab. He then pursued postdoc research at Institut Pasteur Paris, studying HIV-1 T-cell infection through nanoscale imaging in the Christophe Zimmer lab. His research has received several recognitions and awards, such as an ERC Consolidator Grant and his recent appointment as an EMBO Fellow.