NIMSBinars Rune Matthiensen slide

October 22 

We had an honor to host Dr. Rune Matthiesen, from NMS, who was talking about

‘Peripheral Immune Cells as Biomarkers for Cancer’.

Short Bio

Dr. Rune Matthiesen (RM) obtained his first independent position in 2006. RM currently leads the computational and experimental biology group (CEB) which aims to be at the forefront of clinical extracellular vesicle proteogenomics research. RM’s lab has established experimental and computational quantitative technologies for MS-based profiling useful for clinical proteomics (e.g., based on label free quantitation, triple dimethyl labeling, SILAC, and tandem tags). More specifically, over the last ten years, RM has obtained considerable experience in global MS-based drug profiling and extracellular vesicles from clinical samples. RM has experience in analyzing mass spectrometry data obtained on extracellular vesicles (EVs) in multiple types of biofluids, such as plasma, urine, bronchoalveolar lavage, and pleural effusion. RM has contributed to the establishment of a biobank of biofluids obtained from various cancers. RM furthermore develops data analysis tools to facilitate the analysis of large mass spectrometry data sets related mainly to clinical proteomics in the area of oncology and immunology. RM has edited three books on mass spectrometry data analysis and developed tools for semi open search for post translational modification. RM also contributed with a novel functional enrichment which combines information of regulation and enrichment in a single output. The latest tools are implemented as R packages and target the analysis of data obtained on extracellular vesicles. RM has attracted external funding as coordinator of more than 3 million Euros within the last 5 five years. Currently, RM is for example coordinator on the recent approved twining project titled “Centre for Excellence in Diagnostic and Advanced Therapeutics based on Extracellular Vesicles” and 1.2 Million funded clinical project by the pharmaceutical company Janssen (responsible for the scientific component of the project). Additionally, RM is coordinator of NMS participation in the EU project EVERST.