Molecular Nutrition and Health

Principal Investigator
Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Lab Manager
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
MSc Student
MSc Student
MSc Student
We aim to understand the nutrition-related mechanisms of cellular processes at the molecular level and associated to lifestyle-related chronic illnesses.
We are particularly interested in the study of polyphenol metabolism in humans and animal models by metabolomics approaches, i.e., bioaccessibility, bioavailability, brain permeability and cellular metabolism, as well as polyphenol metabolites bioactivity towards neurodegenerative diseases, focusing on Parkinson’s disease, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation and in blood- brain barrier dysfunction.
We perform mechanistic studies using yeast, state of art cellular and animal models of disease, and molecular approaches to unravel the molecular mechanisms of cytoprotection mediated by polyphenol-derived metabolites.